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OTA Directors/Coordinators

Beth Arms

Leigh Chak

Jeff Dellovade

Donna Jarvis

Marianne Marcoux

Laura Roberson

George Ryals

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Love to Learn / Love to Play

If you're new to the game or getting back to tennis after a long absence, this is the program for you! 

The Love to Learn/Love to Play program begins with about 6 weeks of building skills and then another 4 to 6 weeks of building your game.

Our graduates are thrilled with this program and often emerge as ranked players ready to play league tennis.

For information and to register for current programs at the Fort King Tennis Center, simply email Leigh Chak at vacocala@gmail.com (#352-572-7157).  It's a small investment for a lifetime pursuit.

See you on the courts!

Hello 2024!

The OTA hosted a year-end mixer for graduates of our Love 2 Learn/Love 2 Play program last December. These 2.5 players enjoyed a fun filled clinic and an opportunity to meet other beginning players. What a great way to say goodbye to 2023 and bring in the New Year!

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